3rd Semester


Guidelines and Template for Diploma Thesis

Indicative Diploma Thesis Titles for the autumn/winter semester of academic year 2023-2024


Secretariat documents:

1. Application form for appointment of diploma thesis title and supervisor (download here)

2. Application form for submission and examination of diploma thesis (download here)

2a. Author declaration form (download here)

3. Diploma thesis evaluation form (for Diploma Thesis Supervisors) (download here)

BMET.301: Diploma thesis (Required)

Course code: BMET.301
Course title: Diploma thesis (Required)
Learning outcomes:

The diploma thesis encourages and develops the student’s ability to collect, understand, analyze, evaluate and interpret scientific data.

In particular, the diploma thesis aims at the following:

– critical review of the relevant literature (and reference to the relevant discussion) around the chosen topic,
– design of a research plan/experiment,
– collection of scientific data,
– implementation of the research plan/experiment,
– production of reliable and interpretable results,
– discussion, evaluation and interpretation of results (or conclusions),
– contribution to the scientific dialogue

Guidelines for Diploma Thesis

ECTS: 30
Semester: 3rd

For the successful completion of the MSc program a minimum of ninety (90) ECTS is required, with at least 30 ECTS per semester.


For the 1st and 2nd semester, students should successfully complete all Required courses of each semester (Required courses are assigned with 15 ECTS) and select at least three Elective courses (Elective courses are assigned with 5 ECTS each).


For the 3rd semester, students should successfully complete the Diploma thesis (Diploma thesis is assigned with 30 ECTS). Guidelines for Diploma Thesis can be found here.

The detailed examination regulation may be found at the Program structure and Internal Regulation document.